Transcript of my podcast episode (14)

Welcome to my podcast series ENGSPRESSO. The name comes from the combination of the words: English & Espresso. ‘Espresso’ is a shot of coffee, and here, every episode is your shot of English – your ENGSPRESSO. If you like the way I teach English, you may also have a look at my e-books and courses online that are available on my website.

By the way, if you’re planning to buy something from my shop online, hold on! Between 11th-16th July 2022 (of course), I’m going to have a special offer for you! My e-books and courses are going to be available in special coffee packages: ESPRESSO, CAPPUCCINO and LATTE, and depending on the package you choose, you’ll be able to get a 20, 25 or 30% discount on my products. Stay tuned!

This is ENGSPRESSO episode no. 14. If you’re listening to this episode, I guess you’ve already listened to the other ones, too. If not, perhaps you’re here for the first time, trying to figure out if my podcast is worth listening to. Well, it certainly is if you’d like to speak English more fluently and confidently, and if your level is intermediate or upper intermediate. And if your level is higher, but somehow you’re afraid to use English on a daily basis, and you feel there’s some barrier that you can’t overcome, thanks to my ENGSPRESSO series, you’ll finally start opening your mouth! Here, I use the so-called “shadowing technique”, which means that you repeat full phrases after me, and this is how you practise. So let’s get started!

Today our first expression is TO BEAR/KEEP STH IN MIND. If you bear/keep something in mind, you remember about something when making a decision or thinking about a matter.

For instance: Bear in mind that knowing English will make you more attractive in the job market. Now, repeat after me.
The translation is: Pamiętajcie / weźcie pod uwagę, że znajomość angielskiego sprawi, iż będziecie bardziej atrakcyjni na rynku pracy.

Another example: They’re older and much more experienced than you, so keep that in mind before you decide to take part in the competition.
Są starsi i dużo bardziej doświadczeni niż ty, więc pamiętaj o tym, zanim postanowisz wziąć udział w tym konkursie.

The second expression is TO DO/TRY/GIVE ONE’S BEST. When you do/try/give your best, or your very best, you make the greatest effort possible, you try as hard as possible.

For instance: If I hadn’t done my best in the exam, I would really regret it now.
Jeśli nie dałabym z siebie wszystkiego na egzaminie, teraz bym tego naprawdę żałowała.

Another example: Let’s try our very best this time – I’m sure we’ll win!
Tym razem dajmy z siebie wszystko – jestem pewna, że wygramy!

And now it’s time for your ENGSPRESSO to go!

Our context for the phrases is:

Bear in mind that she did her best in the job interview, but she had no influence on their final decision.
Weź pod uwagę, że na rozmowie kwalifikacyjnej dała z siebie wszystko, ale nie miała wpływu na ich ostateczną decyzję.

Congrats! You’ve just done something good for yourself! And if you’d like to learn much more from these episodes, you’ll have a possibility to do so. Soon, I’m planning to publish a new e-book called “ENGSPRESSO workbook” that’s going to be based on the first ten ENGSPRESSO episodes. It’s going to contain various exercises thanks to which you’ll learn and revise even more English. So that’s something you can look forward to!

As always, you can find the transcript of today’s episode at the link in the description down below or directly on my website

Happy learning! Thank you for listening and speak to you next time!