Transcript of my podcast episode (19)
This is ENGSPRESSO episode no. 19. Time flies! It’s amazing how many of you have been listening to my podcast. I sometimes try to imagine how you listen to my voice at your home, in your car, when you travel, or when you simply go for a walk. And it’s a funny feeling, you know. Because you know my voice very well now, but I have no idea who you are! Anyway, I bet that you are a great English learner, and I know – without a doubt – that you can already use your English skills in real life. Don’t wait for a perfect moment. Do you know why? Because the perfect moment is now! Remember that if you listen to this podcast, your English automatically becomes better and better – there’s no other option!
Now, let’s learn another two expressions.
The first one today is AT THE LAST MINUTE/MOMENT. This expression means ‘at the latest possible opportunity for doing something’. I’m sure you know the expression very well as it’s commonly used in so many contexts. Also, when we do something at the last minute, we’re almost always in a hurry.
For instance: If I had arrived at the airport at the last minute, I would have missed my flight for sure! Now, repeat after me.
The translation is: Gdybym dotarła na lotnisko na ostatnią chwilę, na pewno spóźniłabym się / nie zdążyłabym na swój lot.
Another example: Why are you always doing everything at the last minute?! You should have started writing your essay a month ago!
Dlaczego zawsze robisz wszystko na ostatnią chwilę?! Powinieneś był zacząć pisać ten esej miesiąc temu!
By the way, I need to share a piece of good news with you. As you enjoy repeating English phrases after me, I’ve been working on an audio course for you. In that way, you’ll be able to practise your listening and speaking skills with me even more intensively than here! The audio course is called KURS DO KAWY dla zabieganych B1-B2 (just like my interactive flashcard course), and it’s going to be available in a few weeks. You’re gonna like it for sure! I’ll keep you posted.
Let’s come back to our expressions. The second one is TO OVERCOME DIFFICULTIES. When you overcome difficulties, you successfully deal with problems or obstacles.
For instance: I’m sure she will overcome these difficulties quickly – she succeeds in everything she does.
Jestem pewna, że szybko pokona te trudności – odnosi sukcesy we wszystkim, co robi.
Another example: We’ve already overcome so many difficulties – we won’t give up this time either!
Pokonaliśmy już tyle trudności – tym razem też się nie poddamy!
And now it’s time for your ENGSPRESSO to go!
Our context for the phrases is:
After overcoming lots of difficulties, the secret agent disarmed the bomb at the last minute.
Po pokonaniu wielu trudności, tajny agent rozbroił bombę na ostatnią chwilę.
Our last example is brilliant, don’t you think? I must admit I asked my fiancé to help me with this one. Now it sounds like a sentence describing an action film, and I like it! I’m wondering if you can think of some other examples with these two expressions. It’s rather challenging. But if you manage to use both of them in one sentence, let me know!
Remember that you can find all the transcripts of my ENGSPRESSO episodes on my website
Thank you for tuning in and happy learning!