Transcript of my podcast episode (8)
Here we are again! I’m back with another ENGPSRESSO episode, although I admit it’s been rather hard for me to find time to record it. Anyway, I can’t make any excuses here no matter how little time I have. It’s called ‘consistency*’, isn’t it? Do you find it difficult to be consistent*? I do! Because my temperament type is not choleric. And you must know that choleric people are usually very goal-oriented and determined, so I think they find it easier to be consistent* in their actions. And my dominant temperament types are phlegmatic and melancholic, which are the opposite of the choleric temperament. So, you know, I have to learn how to be choleric because it helps me to run my business and this podcast, of course. And we know very well how practical and helpful it is for you, so I have no choice but to bite the bullet and teach you another two expressions today!
By the way, in this context, ‘to bite the bullet’ means to force yourself to do something difficult. Obviously, creating this podcast is not mission impossible for me, but it does require patience and determination, and as you can guess, we all sometimes run out of them. So that’s why I used the idiom ‘to bite the bullet’. I have to bite the bullet and continue my ENGSPRESSO episodes. If you want to learn more such idioms, have a look at my flashcard e-book that’s available on my website. And now, let me finally get down to our expressions!
Today the first expression is TO EARN A LIVING, or TO EARN YOUR LIVING. It simply means to earn the money that you need to live on.
For instance: It’s rather difficult to earn a living by working part-time. Now, repeat after me.
The translation is: Raczej trudno jest zarabiać na życie, pracując na pół etatu.
Another example: What would you do if you didn’t have to earn your living?
Co byś zrobił(a), gdybyś nie musiał(a) zarabiać na życie?
The second expression is DAY IN DAY OUT. If you do something day in day out, or if something happens day in day out, you do it or it happens every day for a long period of time.
For instance: We’ve been working on this project day in day out – we deserve a holiday!
Pracujemy nad tym projektem dzień w dzień – zasługujemy na urlop!
Another example: When he was in school, he wore the same pair of jeans day in day out.
Kiedy chodził do szkoły, dzień w dzień nosił tę samą parę jeansów.
And now it’s time for your ENGSPRESSO to go!
Our context for the phrases is:
My grandfather earned his living as a farmer, and he often worked day in day out.
Mój dziadek zarabiał na życie jako rolnik i często pracował dzień w dzień.
Great! Let’s call it a day, but don’t forget to practise these expressions on your own – it’s your effort that counts, so you’d better do what I say. And apart from repeating the phrases after me, you may also want to take notes while listening. Handwritten notes work miracles, trust me! In that way, you’ll become more fluent in English.
Remember that you can find the transcript of today’s episode on my website or at the link in the description of the episode.
That’s it for today. Thanks and speak to you soon!
* Of course, I should have said ’consistency’ and ’consistent’ instead of 'consequence’ and 'consequent’. My apologies! By the way, 'consequent’ means 'happening as a result of sth’ (będący skutkiem czegoś), so remember not to confuse these words. It’s just another false friend! 😉